Rock Climb Frogland, Red Rocks
Frogland is a quintessential classic Red Rock multi pitch route. First climbed by Joanne and Jorge Urioste in 1978, Frogland follows a system of cracks and spicy face climbing for 5 pitches to the summit of Whiskey Peak which sits at the mouth of Black Velvet Canyon.
Red Rock first ascensionist Larry DeAngelo (AKA Scary Larry) writes:
In May of 1978, the spring at the mouth of Black Velvet Canyon was the source of a persistent pond. The pond itself was home to a noisy contingent of frogs. Back in the Gunks, which was the area that Jorge and Joanne came from, there was an entire set of climbs with “land” names: Birdland, Roseland, Disneyland. Joanne connected the Gunks naming convention to the local croakers, and the route became Frogland.
Though the Uriostes were no strangers to hammer work in general, and bolting in particular, a minor landmark was passed on Frogland’s third pitch. Leading to the left and crossing the main dihedral, Joanne stepped onto a small ledge and drilled the first bolt of her life. In the light of the prodigious quantities of protection bolts they were about to place in the next few years, one might wonder if the moment held any special meaning. “No serious significance,” said Joanne. “Only the lactic acid in my forearm.”
Frogland, Red Rock National Conservation Area, Las Vegas, NV
5.8, 6 pitches, walk off
Photo: Thomas Gilmore